
  • Essay / Essay on the Reichstag Fires - 1271

    On the night of February 27, 1933, what caused Germany's fall toward its democratic government was eradicated as flames devoured the structure of the German parliament. This moment in history is known as the “Reichstag Fire.” Even though a series of accusations have been made to blame the Communist Party and Van der Lubbe (Dutch Communist) who was caught red-handed on the day of the fire, historians still struggle and disagree to decide who is responsible for the Reichstag fire. This event is unclear and brings uncertainty, it is evident that this event was crucial on Hitler's path to power, however, there are other events to consider such as the Night of the Long Knives , the enabling act and the death of Hindenburg. that the Reichstag fire is one of the most crucial, fundamental and important events that helped Hitler consolidate his power over Germany. This gave him the opportunity he was waiting for to accuse the communist party and in response he managed to imprison some of the communist leaders, which prevented the communists from continuing their election campaign, the fire also turned the German people against the communist, causing Hitler's popularity to increase, this meant that in the general election most of the people who voted for the communist would vote for Hitler, thus increasing his chances of winning. There are three stages summarized in two words in the strategy used by Hitler, which is the Hegelian dialectic. It is based on posing the problem, observing the audience's reaction, and based on that, you design and execute your solution. To this day, historians still discuss the source of the fire, wondering and considering the possibilities of who is guilty of this very...... middle of paper ...... lth, this Hindenburg unable to stop Hitler from letting him do his will. To conclude, the Reichstag fire was the event that started the chain of events that led Hitler to consolidate his power over Germany, the Reichstag fire was the chaos event that made possible the enabling act, through this Hitler eliminated all political parties in Germany and managed to eliminate communist movements around the German nation, he managed to execute the SA, Ernst Röhm and Chancellor von Schleicher without any consequences thanks to his unlimited power of the Enabling Act which, again, came from the Reichstag Fire, he also gained the loyalty of the German army and, in the end, he merged his work with that of Hindenburg to become head of state and commander of the German army, which granted him full control over Germany. And so it all started with spark.