
  • Essay / How to Write an Essay - 1216

    The written word is a robust device that has been used for thousands of years to equip its audience with knowledge and emotion. Academic writing is one of many types of writing. Academic writing conveys different formalities of writing compared to a basicity that is personal writing. Academic writing requires a more organized formal structure while using outfits such as in-text citations and references to backing information presented in the script. Academic writing also deals with basal theories and brings about bottom-up processes and practices in everyday life, as well as exploring alternative substitutes for these events, also according to author Jagg Xaxx. The following is a reflection on my own academic essay writing that aims to critically discuss my strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan for development. Before writing an essay, certain procedures are followed to ensure well-organized and structured work. When the topic is received, I tend to time the writing time at 2 hours because that is the time allotted during the exam procedures. This allows me to practice my essay writing procedure and helps me improve it in various aspects. Depending on the number of words requested, I allocate certain minutes to each part of the essay; more to parts that require greater depth than others; while also allowing myself a solid amount of time towards the end of the 2 hours for a final check and edit of the essay. Then, a survey consisting of researching the topic and brainstorming using mind maps was also carried out to create a well-organized visual reference of the topic. Once the research is done and the basic information is found, my next step would be to structure the paragraphs and ...... in the middle of the document ...... given position. Another goal is also to stay focused when writing my essay by keeping the audience in mind when writing and try to avoid using long sentences when possible. The final and most important goal, in my opinion, is to spend more time on the entire essay writing process. Fortunately, the flaws in my essay writing skills are not too complex and can be easily examined and improved through a simple session of research and analytical thinking. For example: my lack of referencing can be compensated by a repetition of the Power Point presentations given throughout the semesters. Additionally, having been provided with criteria based on the Heriot Watt University marking guidelines, I can now use these guidelines when writing my future academic writing to ensure that I adhere to these guidelines and ensure that I solid, precise and well organized work. piece of work.