
  • Essay / sustainability - 1829

    2. When did Fuji Film start looking at sustainability? There were always only Japanese presidents of Fuji Film in Tilburg. Until March 18, 2014, when Peter Swinkels handed the gavel to Peter Struik. From then on, Peter wanted to convince the parties that sustainable economic growth and employment are achieved through business. Facilitating and encouraging entrepreneurs must therefore be high on the political agenda. This is and will remain the priority for the near future. From then on, sustainability became a more important point in the company. A number of engineers were transferred to the safety and environmental health department. This means examining daily what can be done more sustainably and how to achieve it. Fuji Film is trying to differentiate itself from the competition when it comes to sustainability. By producing more sustainably, customers will consciously choose Fuji film.3. Legislation and regulation.Fujifilm is ahead in the field of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18000 and ISO 26000 certification and environmental systems and safety systems and widely complies with legislation and regulations.Water Act and Wabo offer more Purification opportunities for businessesWith the arrival of the Water Law and the entry into force of the Wabo Law have modified the legal framework for evaluating discharges into municipal sewers which require a permit. Although the Water Board continues to play an important (advisory) role, this advice is no longer binding in all cases. If the discharge of wastewater to the Water Board's treatment plant is not efficient and cost-effective for the sender, the obligation to discharge it to the treatment plant lapses. This offers companies the opportunity to purify their own wastewater, as Fuji Film also wants to do. (see 'acid water...... middle of paper ...... t. They concluded a Green Deal (The Green Deal helps businesses, social organizations and governments implement sustainable plans. ) with the municipality Tilburg and Fuji wants entrepreneurs to make their businesses more sustainable The municipality does not want to offer residents the opportunity to produce 1.4 million kilowatt hours per year to generate sustainable solar energy near their home. home Because producing a large amount of energy is only possible if there is a large area to place solar cells, Fujifilm can contribute within the framework of the green deal to combine this area and further develop the plans. Fujifilm's goal is to become a 100% energy neutral company..