
  • Essay / Options for achieving peace with China

    I believe that the United States should not attempt to impose militaristic or economic restrictions on China. This is because the United States simply does not have the power to back up any threats it might make. Instead, the United States should try to prevent tensions from growing and work toward an alliance with China that would benefit both countries. This option will prevent the conflict from turning into war and allow for a more peaceful resolution. But instead of trading exclusively with China, the United States should continue on its current path of attempting to produce some of its own goods. Hopefully current US producers can grow until the US is able to support itself. This would allow the United States to have more power in future conflicts because it would be able to procure food and resources itself and therefore would not be affected by major changes in diplomatic arrangements with the rest of the world. Peace with China would provide the time needed to become self-sufficient, and once this goal is achieved, the United States would be better equipped to take on the rest of the world. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay I think option 2: Promote stability and trade best encompasses this idea because it is quite similar to most ideas of what I believe to be the solution. The only difference between the solutions would be that option 2 seems to take what should work and put more emphasis on it. Trading with China will help lay the foundation for an alliance, but option 2 is to trade with China to the exclusion of all else. This would lead to fewer U.S. jobs and further exacerbate the U.S.'s current debt to China. This simple action would be the exact opposite of the solution we need. If the United States goes so far as to cede all its manufacturing power to China, there will be problems in the event of war. If the two countries disagreed enough to go to war, China would likely win. Indeed, China would have superior funds and technology while the United States would attempt to purchase weapons with only a heavy debt. This idea of ​​proprietary manufacturing would also give China near-total control over the United States. If China were ever to have a problem with the United States, it would simply be resolved in China's favor if China stopped trading with the United States. The U.S. economy would likely not survive a prolonged shutdown of trade with China. I hope this is enough to show that while option 2 is the best option, being the closest to the ideal solution, it has a singular flaw that could destroy the United States as it is today..