
  • Essay / Residential Schools in Canada - 921

    Living in Canada, there is a long history with indigenous people. The relationship between the white community and the First Nations community is damaged because of our shameful actions in the 19th century. Unnecessary steps were taken when the Canadian government considered assimilating indigenous peoples. Through the Indian Act and residential schools, the government attempted to take away their culture and “kill the Indian in the child.” The Indian Act allowed the government to take control of the people, residential schools took away their culture and tore their families apart, and now we are left with not only a broken relationship between First Nations people, but they are trying to also to rebuild themselves. their lives while living with the harsh reality of their past. The Indian Act is made up of the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and the Gradual Enfranchisement Act of 1869. The Gradual Civilization Act encouraged the Indian people to renounce their status and become Canadian Citizens . The Progressive Emancipation Act gave the government complete control over the people of India. They could decide everything: who would maintain their status, who would receive benefits and even who could keep their children. In 1876, these laws, along with other rules and regulations, formed the Indian Act. The government believed it was better to be able to control every aspect of First Nations people's lives. It was stated in the Annual Report of the Department of the Interior of Indian Affairs in 1876: Our Indian legislation is generally based on the principle that the aborigines should be maintained in a condition of guardianship and treated as wards or children of the State. ...the true interests of Aboriginal people and the state demand...... middle of paper the slow healing process. Work Cited "A History of Residential Schools in Canada." n.pag. Internet. November 27, 2013. “About Indian Residential Schools.” n.pag. Internet. November 27, 2013. “Background: The Indian Act.” n.pag. Internet. November 27, 2013. “A Brief History of Indian Residential Schools.” n.pag. Internet. November 27, 2013. “The Indian Act: Historical Overview.” n.pag. Internet. November 27, 2013. “The Indian Residential School System.” n.pag. Internet. November 27 2013. .