
  • Essay / Say goodbye to freshmen 15 - 661

    As obesity rates rise, the United States solidifies an example of culturally influenced weight problems and is considered one of the countries most obese in the world. College campuses in the United States are the perfect example of cultural weight gain. The large number of freshmen who get the "freshman 15" stereotype may be explained by poor diet and exercise practices developed in college and university dining halls. It's a common concern for students who are approaching fifteen pounds while adjusting to school life. A great approach to shed light on such an issue is to talk to students about this health issue that continues to flourish. Colleges need to take more action and include a health and wellness segment in our universities. 1000 courses in which students will learn what to eat and what habits to avoid. Today, innovative college freshman orientation is a one-semester course, for college credit, often required, and designed by faculty and administrators. The course often contains information about academic policies, time management, and academic success. By adding a health and wellness segment to the course, it will help increase students' knowledge of nutrition and fitness, and address the common experience of weight gain during the course. first year of university. The objective is for nutritional communication students to present a nutrition topic at the Univ. 1000 lessons during the teaching of the health and well-being component. The transition from school to university presents many changes in the lives of first-year university students. Unfortunately, students don't leave home adequately prepared for the world of late-night pizza and drinking that characterizes most college years. Many are in the middle of paper ......e school because everything will already be included in the curriculum. Overall, staying healthy and active while juggling schoolwork and a social life can be challenging, but the benefits that usually come with it are endless. It is therefore extremely important to maintain a healthy diet and take time to exercise to stay fit and healthy. The segment will provide students with information to stay healthy and active to combat the dreaded “freshman 15.” Works Cited International Business, Times. "'Freshman 15': Weight gain, a myth according to researchers." International Business Times 10: Regional economic news. Internet. December 2, 2013. Zagorsky, Jay L. and Patricia K. Smith. “The Freshman 15: a critical period for obesity intervention or a media myth? » Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 92.5 (2011): 1389-1407 Business Source Full Web.. 2013.