
  • Essay / Destruction of Power: King Lear - 691

    Shakespeare's King Lear described the negative effects of power resulting in destruction caused by the children of a character with authority. Through lies and continual hatred, the characters fostered a lust for power causing destruction within their families. Lear's daughter and son Gloucester lied to inherit power. Gloucester's son Edmund planned to eliminate his brother Edgar from his inheritance. Edmund coveted all of his father's power, lying to his gullible brother, and his father aided him in his plan for total authority while destroying their lives. As Gloucester's bastard son, Edmund wanted to receive all the power intended for his brother, Edgar, who was Gloucester's legitimate son. Edmund expressed his disapproval of his brother: "Why should I / find myself in the scourge of custom and allow / the curiosity of nations to deprive me / For that I have twelve or fourteen clears of moon / A brother's delay? Why bastard? ยป(1.2.2-6). Edmund wanted the respect and love that Edgar received even though he was Gloucester's bastard son. He claimed that he was not much younger nor "behind a brother", and therefore should be considered as intelligent and intelligent as any legitimate son. He developed hatred towards Edgar and to get rid of him, he convinced his father that Edgar had betrayed him with a letter. The letter written by Edmund read: "If our father slept until I woke him, you would enjoy half of his income forever and live on as your brother's beloved, Edgar" (1.2.55-57 ). Edmund portrayed Edgar as the son who would kill Gloucester only to inherit his money and share his inheritance with Edmund. Gloucester believed Edmund, sending guards to kill Edgar for his betrayal...... middle of paper...... caused Lear to curse Goneril and Regan for not caring for him but ruining his life. Goneril and Regan's selfishness for power overwhelmed them, leading them to lie about their love for their father and his power would never be returned to them so they could inherit all of his power. Hatred and lust caused Goneril, Regan, and Edmund to lie to gain power from their parents leading to destruction within their family. Edmund's hatred continued with the reminder that he was only Gloucester's bastard son, causing him to lie to both of them, ultimately ruining his father's sight and his brother's identity. Goneril and Regan got rid of their father while retaining his power by lying about who loved him most and taking away his knights. From King Lear, Shakespeare concluded that greed and power are capable of ruining a family.