
  • Essay / Arguments for the Death Penalty: A Comprehensive Analysis

    “Whether you look at it from any angle, death is so far and so close to us, and the death penalty is cruel, no matter how whatever the way it should exist. » - Yulissa W. Capital punishment can be divided into different types, such as: electric chair, shooting, etc., and many people think that the death penalty is not necessary, but in general, the world needs to have it, but in general, there is a need in this world. In this essay, I will explain my position in favor of the death penalty. If people make huge mistakes, they should fix them, and because if there is no death penalty, people will escape the punishment of the law and continue to endanger the lives of others. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get Original Essay As we know, death penalty is the oldest punishment and one of the methods used to kill a criminal. But it is also divided into a variety of death methods, such as: burying alive, as the name suggests, burying people alive in the country. When the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, they then used this method to bury 250,000 people in the country. Another solution is poisoning, which involves adding poison to food or water, letting the prisoner eat it, and being poisoned. But the most common methods are: Hanging, using a rope hanging from the neck, allowing the body to fall from the neck, causing death. Decapitation, cutting off the prisoner's head with a sharp knife, it is said that after cutting off the head for a few seconds, it is still conscious. In addition, shooting, ending the prisoner's life with a gun, and now some countries also use this method. The electric chair is an extremely cruel method, which involves tying the prisoner to a specially constructed wooden chair and turning on the electricity until the criminal dies. The argument of supporters of the death penalty is that if a country does not have the death penalty, it can even lead to confusion in a country. Because there is no death penalty, people will not be afraid of death, resulting in more innocent victims. For example, an explosion and shooting in Norway killed 92 people, the victims were aged 12 to 19. Witnesses said dozens of bodies were floating in the water at the time of the incident and the scene was extremely bloody. Since Norway abolished the death penalty, Norwegian police have said the murderer faces a sentence of 21 years in prison. The murder of 92 people in just 21 years in prison, which is unfair to the dead, and he can continue to commit crimes after being released from prison. Personally, I am in favor of capital punishment, the principle is that the criminals have committed very serious crimes, such as killing people and injuring innocent people. Because people have to bear with the mistakes they make, they will understand the truth. For example: a child steals something, the parents of this child must teach him what can be done and what cannot be done, what is right and what is wrong. In addition, capital punishment can help the victim or their family to be comforted in their hearts and can effectively reduce offenses against human beings. Another aspect that makes me uncomfortable is that although most of the people who have been sentenced to death may just be vulnerable people who have no money and cannot escape. The world is too big and too many people have committed crimes, but because they have money..