
  • Essay / The need to legalize wolf hunting in Wisconsin

    In recent years, the gray wolf, native to the Wisconsin region, has been federally listed as an endangered species due to treatment graphic and horrible that he received during industrialization. periods in America when they were frowned upon and hated because they were predatory creatures and would, on occasion, attack livestock and pets. Because the government encouraged hunting, including offering bounties for the animals, wolves were hunted to extinction. However, Wisconsin now faces a new problem. With the reintroduction of wolves to the state and their status as a federally endangered species, the population has grown far beyond expectations, reaching what could be considered a problem state. A regulated hunting and population control process has become necessary in Wisconsin to protect the state's game, wildlife and agricultural economic efforts, as well as the wolves themselves, to prevent them from overpopulate and face famine and land shortage. When wolf reintroduction began in the state of Wisconsin, a goal of 350 wolves was set and this number was successfully achieved in a short time. However, once this goal was achieved, the population continued to increase dramatically and exponentially, and is now in the upper 600s (Allen). The problems now boil down to a few simple questions with complex answers. Will a regulated hunt spiral out of control and a repeat of the past begin? Are wolves a threat today? Who or what would benefit from a hunt? First, the question of the past must be addressed. In the early years of the United States, wolves roamed free, and when farmers moved their livestock into what was then wolf territory... middle of paper ... wolves, along with a recreational hunting season. This would benefit both wolves, by preventing them from overpopulating, limiting animal starvation, and limiting animal starvation, as well as the state's economy by attracting tourism, both for wildlife observation and also for sporting hunting reasons. When a properly regulated system is in place, and wolves are already carefully monitored in the state of Wisconsin, wolves and the state will be able to benefit from the proposed humane practices, as shown in the Wisconsin Wolf Management Plan . Works CitedAllen, John. “The wolves at the door.” On Wisconsin. Fall 2009. Web. February 22, 2010. Lopez, Barry H. Of Wolves and Men. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978. 137-152. “Wisconsin Wolf Management Plan.” Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. October 27, 1999. The web. February 22. 2010.