
  • Essay / Identity Theft Throughout History - 1355

    Identity TheftI decided to write my research paper on the issue of identity theft. Identity theft has occurred throughout history, in various ways and forms. Today, it is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Data suggests that identity theft accounts for approximately $50 billion stolen from citizens and businesses in the United States each year. I believe more attention should be paid to identity theft because of the detrimental effects it can have on a single victim and our country's economy. Topics I will cover include crime statistics, laws that protect crime victims, and what we are doing to prevent future attacks. Identity theft has been around for decades, so it's nothing new. The only difference is that the general public and the government are aware of the problem and are actively implementing strategies to combat it. However, identity theft wasn't always about stealing someone's credit card information or attempting to extort large sums of money. It began primarily as a political tool to stuff ballot boxes or used by teenagers to obtain fake IDs to circumvent laws that prohibited minors from participating in certain activities such as drinking alcohol. However, in recent years, identity theft has become much more sophisticated and advanced. With the help of computers and advanced technology, identity theft, especially in the electronic world, has become increasingly easier for criminals to acquire. (FBI) Most people who engage in this illegal act usually use it for economic purposes, primarily to enrich themselves. Like any crime, identity theft is a non-violent crime that is relatively easy to conceal and attracts more people to personal information middle of paper. Identity theft is not a new problem in our society. world. This has been happening for decades and is only becoming more and more popular with criminals. Due to global technological developments, identity theft is becoming easier to commit and more difficult to detect. Fortunately, as criminals' technology becomes more advanced, so does the justice system's technology to help fight crime. The number of criminals who engage in fraud and theft will only increase due to the lucrative nature of the crime, as will the forces put in place to stop them. This white collar crime will attract more attention and as a result, more laws will be passed to prevent the public from becoming victims. Through the use of laws, task forces, and public education and awareness, identity theft will receive more focus and attention to hopefully deter future threats to occur..