
  • Essay / 1920It is an era of social transformation - 1429

    Citizens wanted normalcy to return to America. The 1920s were also known as a time of social transformation for women and American society. America was changing rapidly between the end of World War I and women testing new frontiers. The twenties were a positive and negative change for America. The 1920s paved the way for women to gain social independence, and the 1920s were also a decade that gave Americans a new vision of their government. The prohibitionist movement also had a tremendous impact on American society as a whole. Crime rates are increasing rapidly in cities and citizens are consuming alcohol illegally. During the twenties between the two events; women change fashion and social norms for future generations, and the government makes alcohol illegal. Had changed American citizens' view of their society as a whole. Before the end of World War I, women in the United States still lived the same principles as in the Victorian era, but during the 1920s, American women were able to taste a forbidden fruit called independence. . Independents were gradually allocated to women during the war. When men fought, women could taste the independence men had before the war. By the time the men returned home, the American women were slowly emerging from their cages. When someone hears the phrase Flappers, three words normally come to mind. Partying, drinking and dancing; These are the most commonly associated words that citizens think of when they hear this term. It's true that these three words explain a Flapper Woman, but what most people don't know is how they changed women's fashion and social world in the 1920s. During the twenties, the Flappers were also known as "rebellious women" (Swartz, Dennis K."Fla...... middle of paper ......this decade. Works Cited "An Overview of the 18th Amendment." 18th Amendment ., nd Web. May 1, 2014. .Hanson, Erica. "Chapter Two: Prohibition, Chapter Three: Women and the Younger Generation Break with Tradition." A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades: The 1920s. San Diego, California, 1999. Print. Jennings, Peter and Todd Brewster. . “Flappers: A Guide to an American Subculture.” Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, 2010. E-Book Collection (EBSCOhost) May 3, 2014. Swartz, Dennis K. “Flappers.” The Dandy' 'NP. , nd Web. May 5, 2014. .Time-Lifebook. “Prohibition. » Our American Century: The Jazz Age: The 1920s. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books, 1998... Print.