
  • Essay / Great Depression Essay - 1558

    The Great Depression occurred starting in 1929 and lasted until the early 1940s. It was a profound and tragic period when everyone was affected by one way or another. This period marked the longest and most widespread depression in American history. It has devastating effects on rich and poor alike. Cities around the world have been hit hard by this crisis. Before the Great Depression, the United States thrived on technology and consumer spending. The Roaring Twenties brought much joy and prosperity to the economy. The invention of the automobile, radio, and cinema led to higher wages and more jobs. When families wanted to forget their problems for a while, they usually went to see a movie. Some films were The Wizard of Oz, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Gone with the Wind. Music was also an entertaining way to distract yourself from the problems of everyday life. Women dressed differently and tried to gain a better place in the job market. Their opinions and manners also evolved. Life expectancy began to decline in the 1920s. Suicide peaked as unemployment increased. Men felt useless and worthless to their families once they lost their jobs. After all, they felt they were supposed to be the primary providers. The Jazz period took off in 1933. Jazz evolved into Swing Jazz. Dance became the next big thing. Seattle was the mecca of jazz. The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited alcohol, although it did not prohibit the consumption of alcohol in most households. Men consumed more and more alcohol. This became a constraint on their family life. Women wanted alcohol banned. The Grapes of Wrath, written by John Steinbeck, was my favorite book I read about the Great Depression... middle of paper ...... I added this program. This helped mortgage holders. The FHA (Federal Housing Act) helped homeowners buy homes. The United States Housing Act created the US Housing Authority and built public housing. Slums were created for people who could no longer afford to live in their homes. They are named after Hoover. The most popular slum was in Central Park, New York. Hoovervilles was the most popular name for them. The Great Depression is considered the worst economic crisis in the United States. World War II is said to have ended the Depression. With more balanced markets and lower taxes, the Depression seemed to be over. After many years of difficulties and recovery, our world is standing. The Depression was certainly a horrible and difficult time for many, but we were able to say that we overcame a strategically long-running American phenomenon..