
  • Essay / Comparison of Catcher In The Rye Essay with Freud

    I think Holden Caufield is one of the few sane characters in The Catcher in the Rye. List the reasons why you think Holden is sane or normal compared to the average teenager. I think Holden is sane because he's like most other teenagers. They manage emotions, mood swings, relationships with others, etc. List other characters and show how much stranger they are than Holden. Antolini-holden woke up patting him on the head, then asking him not to leave afterward. P.192-193Examine Holden's interaction with society, including family, friends, teachers, etc. Phoebe- Holden's little sister, he loves her the most in the family, and she is one of the reasons that keeps him from thinking about suicide, he thinks. if he died she would feel pain and he doesn't want her to sufferDB- Holden's brother, lives in Hollywood, nice car, writer, Holden thinks he is consumed by the Hollywood genre???- The Holden's little brother, Holden cries for him, died of leukemia Stradlater - Holden's roommate at penny's prep, they fight a lot, asshole Sunny - prostitute, Holden asks for one because he's depressed, then leaves and asks him to leave Dick Slage - Holden's 1st roommate, Holden thought he had horrible suitcases, so Holden judged the dick by this. Compare Holden to Freud, then use at least two of Freud's personality theories to describe or compare and contrast Holden's views. Both Holden and Freud were hermits, they both abandoned society. Freud believes that happiness is the meaning of life, although he questions what happiness actually is. Like Holden, he questions many of the things he says. Holden and Freud have opposing views on sex (what are their opposing views?) Freud believes that all young boys dream of murdering their father and marrying their mother. Holden is not safe with this. Parents don't play a big role in this book. What are the “root causes” of his desire to withdraw from society? (Holden wants to be a rye catcher, he wants to save children from falling off a cliff. Children meaning innocence and falling into society and losing their innocence) ElaborateHolden wants happiness. One vision of his happiness is moving to Vermont to a cabin with Jane. He wants to live alone with her, without anyone else. (withdraw from society) Managing your emotions - On p. 44-45 Holden fights with his roommate Stradlater.