
  • Essay / The economic impact of piracy on the gaming industry

    If there is one subject that will spark debate among PC gamers today, it is piracy and its economic impact on gaming. gaming industry. Almost everyone has an opinion on the subject, ranging from complete acceptance and support of piracy to outright disgust and disapproval. Over the past few years, since SOPA and PIPA were proposed in Congress, this issue has reached critical mass, with another PC game developer blaming piracy as a current danger to the industry. As someone who has played video games most of my life, I have to admit that I am rather upset reading the countless discussions and articles about piracy. Discussions about piracy on the PC platform as well as DRM have been riddled with ill-informed opinions and illogical excuses. This caused hysteria and alarmism, making civil discussion of the issue almost impossible. Although it is quite difficult to obtain reliable data on piracy and its impacts, the challenge is even more difficult when both parties have a vested interest in spreading misinformation about piracy-related activities.....