
  • Essay / What is the theme of pride in Beowulf - 1177

    574-575). In Beowulf's poem, he decided to come to Heorot and gain control and power for greater inner satisfaction even if it means death. "I had a specific purpose when I set sail. As I sat in the boat with my band of men, I intended to accomplish as much as your people wanted or perish in this attempt, into the clutches of the demon. And I will fulfill this goal, prove my pride with an act of pride, or meet my death here in the mead. (Ll. 632-638) Beowulf did everything with pride, including fighting Grendel with his bare hands because he believes that fighting an unarmed beast is dishonorable. “He has no idea of ​​the arts of war, of the play of the shield or the sword, although he possesses savage strength. No weapons, then, for either of them this night: unarmed, he will face me if he dares to face me..." (Ll. 681-685) Beowulf's pride pushed him to fight the dragon despite his aging and was quickly killed when the dragon bit him in the neck, injecting venom leading him towards his