
  • Essay / The Oppression of Women in Huxley's Brave New World

    All men and women are decanted equally and for the same purpose, and they are equally rewarded for the same work. In this utopia where problems such as disease, terrorism, war, dissatisfaction with life and monogamy are solved, the glass ceiling is another; it was officially broken. We also find the same representation of genders in the media. For example, when Lenina and John are at the Feelies, they both enjoy the sexual feelings caused by the two characters. The porn industry today displays its content largely to the majority of viewers, who are men. Both John and Lenina were allowed to enjoy the sexual content in front of them, as no sex was exploited. If Feelies were aimed strictly at a male audience, it could lower a woman's self-esteem or libido to a point that no amount of soma in the world could fix. On the other hand, since men are so satisfied and happy with the testosterone boost that comes from living in a patriarchal society, this could lead to increased ego in the workplace and misogynistic thinking at work. towards their female colleagues. Sound familiar? Equality between minorities and women is only a small part of the great functional machine that is the New World. Their world is immoral and questionable in many ways, but their principles of representation and equal rights between genders and races of all kinds are something the United States could take note of in an effort to shatter the omnipresent glass.