
  • Essay / Analysis of Child Marriage - 588

    Analysis of Child MarriageAlthough the definition of child marriage includes boys, it mainly focuses on girls married off by their families, before their eighteenth birthday. It is widespread mainly in poor countries in South Asia and Africa. These marriages are sometimes planned as soon as the girl is born, or often men marry young girls – aged eight or nine – with an offer of significant monetary compensation called bride price. According to UNICEF reports, in Yemen the average age of marriage is twelve or thirteen, with the highest neonatal mortality and mortality rates. Despite international outcry from countries where this practice is carried out, there has been little to no response on this issue. This article focuses on the causes, effects and possible solutions to child marriages. The four main causes of child marriage are poverty, limited education and economic opportunities linked to women's employment, insecurity from conflict, and traditional and religious practices. Little girls are sources of income for their family when the dowry is...