
  • Essay / Vegetarianism Essay - 1084

    Madelyn MassicotteProfessor SummersComposition IFebruary 18, 2014VegetarianismVegetarianism is a popular and significantly healthier diet and lifestyle choice. Many healthier people show how important this choice is. Some dietitians are gaining expertise in this area because it is becoming more and more popular among the population. Surprisingly, children are becoming more and more interested in the special lifestyle of vegetarians. This can be a good thing to help influence families and meals to become a beneficial change. Due to these factors, vegetarianism generally grows in all populations. Recent statistics and studies show a drastic change in the health and fitness of people living this lifestyle. According to a study, 7.3 million Americans are vegetarian: 53% of people say the reason they lead this lifestyle is to improve their overall health. The top five vegetarian cities are: Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, New York and Atlantic (Vegetarian Time). These few statistics alone can show the significant influence of vegetarianism across the country. In addition to personal influences, restaurants even offer substitutions for guests who are vegetarian, vegan, etc. Some food packaging companies are even starting to manufacture and label vegetarian products as a vegetarian by supporting restaurant labels and segregating their menu. A study was conducted asking vegetarians about the labeling of "vegetarian" products when there may be traces of animal specimens that do not contain meat or an obvious animal product, such as gelatin; responses showed that the majority did not approve of MS labeling of products. With this improvement in packaging......middle of paper......the lifestyle would be physical activities. Maintaining your fitness and your health generally go hand in hand. To absorb all the key elements of a vegetarian diet, exercise is a common, convenient and personally stimulating activity that can help achieve an overall healthy body. It can also help solidify your deduction and lifestyle commitments. Keeping in mind that this is indeed a lifestyle, it is all a choice, but it is a healthier choice. Due to these beneficial factors, vegetarianism is rapidly increasing in many parts of the globe. Statistical evidence demonstrates the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. This has a huge impact, especially in the medical field of dietitians. Children and families make healthier eating decisions together. Vegetarianism is increasingly known for its healthier diet and lifestyle habits..