
  • Essay / Components of the Endocrine System - 849

    A positive feedback loop is one in which the system responds to the disturbance that occurs in the same direction. The positive response of feedback loops depends on the feedback signal to operate. This happens when a task executes successfully. A negative feedback loop is feedback that the system has never responded to. This happens when a task fails to run. The endocrine system consists of six parts; pancreas, hypothalamus, thyroid, pituitary gland, ovary and adrenal gland. The pancreas is a large gland that produces hormones that regulate blood sugar; produces enzymes that break down carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids; and produces sodium bicarbonate, a base that neutralizes stomach acid. The hypothalamus is a brain structure that acts as a control center for recognizing and analyzing hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger and body temperature. The thyroid is a large gland located in the neck that secretes (produces) hormones that regulate growth through metabolism. The pituitary gland sits at the base of the skull and secretes nine hormones that directly regulate many bodily functions and control the actions of several other endocrine glands. The ovary (found in females) is a gonad that produces eggs. The adrenal glands are a pair of glands located above the kidneys that produce epinephrine and norepinephrine. The main function of the endocrine system is to release hormones that affect the activities of other cells. Blood sugar measures the amount of sugar in your body. The hormone-producing part of the pancreas is made up of clusters of cells that look like islands. These islets include beta cells that secrete a hormone called insulin and alpha cells that secrete another hormone...... middle of paper ...... usually during breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and contact visual. The female reproductive cycle has seven key parts; FSH, LH, estrogen progesterone, ovulation, menstruation and pregnancy. When fertilization occurs, the egg will begin to divide by mitosis. After several divisions, a cluster of cells surrounds the embryo, called a blastocyst implantation. Where they attach to the uterine wall by secretion of enzymes. A few days after this process, the uterus will continually divide the embryo; Release hormones to keep the corpus luteum functioning for a few weeks to allow food and protection to reach and line the uterus. Then membranes such as chorionic villi form to help with protection. These form an essential organ called the placenta; the bond between mother and embryo. It is the main source of food for the embryo..