
  • Essay / Biomass Briquetting Plants - 1062

    HUB AND RAYS MODELIn this model, we propose a two-stage hub and spokes model consisting of a large-scale biomass consumer like a biomass power plant as the center and it is surrounded by a m number of briquetting factories. Each briquetting plant acts as a center in turn and is surrounded by a number n of biomass collection centers. Biomass collection centers act as purchasing agents and send raw materials to biomass briquetting plants where they are stored, processed, packaged and sent to the biomass power plant. The electricity produced must be connected to the grid to be redistributed within the same rural region. This will be a self-sustaining model that will be very suitable for remote areas as well as any area where there is sufficient availability of biomass waste that is not used for livestock feed. This will generate rural employment and improve their standard of living.HYPOTHESES1. Each collection center sets its purchase price according to the raw material available and its quality, 2. The biomass is not stored in the collection centers, it is sent to briquetting factories for storage, 3. Each biomass briquetting plant sets the price of its product in consultation with a biomass power plant regularly, 4. Each biomass collection center must send the material only to its corresponding briquetting factory, 5. Each briquetting factory must send its produced only at the Biomass Central Power Plant and shall not sell them in the retail market, 6. The Biomass Power Plant shall accept all the collected biomass supplied from the briquetting plants and in case of shortage of charges, it can buy raw materials from outside. 7. Money must be settled in real time at all stages of the network. ABBREVIATIONS AND NOTATIONS BPP: Biomass energy p...... middle of article ......l Sciences Journal, 56:4, 671-686.[14][15] JA Ruiz, MC Juarez, MP Morales, P. Munoz. MA Mendivil, Biomass logistics: Financial and environmental costs. Case Study: 2 MW Power Plants, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 56, September 2013, Pages 260-267.[16] Mariusz J. Stolarski, Stefan Szczukowski, Józef Tworkowski, Michał Krzyżaniak, Paweł Gulczyński, Mirosław Mleczek, Comparison of quality and production cost of briquettes made from biomass of agricultural and forestry origin, Renewable energies, Volume 57, September 2013, pages 20-26. [17] MRNouni, SCMullick, TCKandpal, Providing electricity access to remote areas of India: an approach to identify potential areas for decentralized electricity supply. Journals on renewable and sustainable energies, Volume 12, number 5, June 2008, Pages 1187-1220.