
  • Essay / Evolving Technology - 509

    Over the past century, media has continued to evolve at a staggering pace. In the last twenty years alone, with the creation of the Internet, anyone is able to produce media content and present it to the world. Constant innovation is happening every day, with technology becoming cheaper and easier to use. Which makes it an exciting time for the consumer as major media outlets must compete with individuals who previously would have gone unnoticed. Modern technology has dramatically improved the way we interact and receive media. With online distribution, content creators can sell or show off their products without the need for physical manufacturing, distribution, or storage. This allows creators to get a much higher return on investment, not to mention lower carbon emissions, but online distribution comes with risks. The risks are not only piracy and copyright infringement, but also a loss of support from publishers, which would discourage creators. the future development of participating companies. Proof of purchase is also more difficult to establish because ownership is not. ...